This section provides a summary of our university’s efforts and contributions to sustainability, supported by relevant statistics. It highlights the university’s unwavering commitment to sustainable development and its role in addressing global sustainability challenges.

Number of Collaborations

58 Collaborations

This section showcases key initiatives that align with this SDG, including university-wide partnerships, achievements, collaborations, and notable invitations. It highlights the university’s active engagement in national and international forums, educational programs, and projects related to sustainability. These efforts demonstrate our commitment to sustainable development through impactful partnerships, thought-provoking lectures, and strategic participation in addressing global sustainability challenges.

  1. Alfaisal University’s Surgery Interest Group Partners with ACS Saudi Chapter to Advance Surgical Education in the Region Know More.
  2. Alfaisal University Signs Construction Contract for New College of Engineering and College of Law Buildings Know More.
  3. Times Higher Education Featured Article: Corporate Governance for A Sustainable Economy Know More.
  4. Social impact through international collaboration Know More.
  5. Al Faisal University’s Commitment to Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility Know More.
  6. Alfaisal University and Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development Collaborate for Sustainable Goals Know More.
  7. On March 23, 2024, Alfaisal University hosted the Social Responsibility Forum, during which a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. Know More.
  8. Highlighted participating entities’ economic and environmental impacts, future training opportunities, and job prospects to support human resources development in the energy sector. Know More.
  9. Shared the registration link for the CFA Level 1 exam preparation program. Know More.
  10. A program aimed at securing external financial contributions to support Alfaisal University’s strategic goals and initiatives. Know More.
  11. A platform designed to enhance partners' experience by providing easy access to updates, reports, and events related to their contributions. Know More.
  12. The Office of Executive Education & Development was chosen by SAB to deliver an executive program for SAB and HSBC executive members. Know More.
  13. Established an Executive MBA for Healthcare Leadership in collaboration with the University of Tennessee, scheduled to commence in August 2025. Know More.
  14. A Law & International Relations student is a Global Shaper in the Riyadh Hub, who has contributed to over 10+ initiatives and is currently co-leading a cultural diplomacy and social innovation initiative and leading a high school mentorship program. Know More.
  15. The Law & International Relations students were selected as Trainees at the United Nations Development Program during the Summer of 2024. They developed proposals and outreach plans for UNCCD’s COP 16 to engage diverse stakeholders and organized interactive activities to empower youth in sustainable development discussions. Know More.
  16. During the Social Responsibility Forum event held by Alfaisal University to raise awareness of Social Responsibility Day, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Alfaisal University. Know More.
  17. Business Students Explore the Global Logistics Forum Know More.
  18. College of Business Executive Lecture Series: Golden Treasures of Arabia: Exploring the Nutritional Wonders of Saudi Dates Know More.
  19. CAS Blood Donation Campaign 2024 Know More.
  20. Falling Walls Labs Global Pitch Competition Know More.
  21. College of Engineering and SDAIA Organize a Panel Discussion on “Navigate the Challenges of AI Data” Know More.
  22. Mini MBA Program for Healthcare Professionals Know More.
  23. Community Health Initiative in Umluj Know More.
  24. Alfaisal Students Volunteer at Hajj 1445 / 2024 Know More.
  25. Alfaisal University hosts Game Development Bootcamp in collaboration with Misk Foundation Know More.
  26. The Inauguration of the ExxonMobil STEM Scholarship Program Know More.
  27. Journey to 5K Raceday: A Story of Consecutive Success! Know More.
  28. Alfaisal University Announces Strategic Partnerships in Health and Community Services Know More.
  29. Tatweer Concludes an Intensive 30-Hour Training Program for Architectural Engineering Students and Graduates Know More.
  30. Successful Completion of the First Saudi SolarThon at Alfaisal University Know More.
  31. Project-based Learning in the ‘Software and Society’ Course Know More.
  32. Social Innovation Exhibit Know More.
  33. Alfaisal University’s Director of Advancement shares insights at the Riyadh Forum for Volunteer Work Know More.
  34. Alfaisal University in collaboration with King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center Ushers in a New Era of Global Health Collaboration with Canadian Resident Training in Riyadh Know More.
  35. US Game Developers Program at Alfaisal UniversityOn September 14, 2023, Alfaisal University welcomed esteemed guests from the United States Embassy, Mike Fischer, and Jesse Vigil, as part of the US Embassy's Game Developers Program. Know More.
  36. Second Annual Minigames Exhibit Know More.
  37. On the 5th of October 2023, #Alfaisal_University signed an MOU with Saudi Awwal Bank (SAB), and it was signed by HE Dr Mohammed Al Hayaza, Alfaisal University President and Mr. Tony Cripps, Managing Director, and CEO. The purpose of this MOU is to create and design a training program to be delivered to the bank employees. #Partnering_with_the_Best Know More.
  38. Alfaisal University signed an MOU with Zain to create a framework for programs development. The MOU was signed by HRHP Maha bint Mashari Al Saud, Alfaisal VP of External Relations & Advancement, and Ms. Loluwah Saad Alnowaiser, Zain Human Resources Vice President Know More.
  39. Strategic agreement with Social Responsibility Association and on 18-Sep with the CSR National Center; the first 2 licensed and accredited association specialized in CSR in KSA. Know More.
  40. Saudi Economy Ministry Signs MoU with Alfaisal University to Promote Economic Development. Know More.
  41. Alfaisal University signed an MOU with National (NLO). It was signed by Vice President of Eternal Relations & Advancement HRH Maha bint Mishari Al Saud, and the Chief Executive Director of the Observatory Dr Usamah Algemili. Know More.
  42. Honeywell Collaborates with Alfaisal University to Support Saudi Arabia’s Pledge to Reach Net Zero by 2060 Know More.
  43. Alfaisal University clubs and association collaborate with local entities such as the Saudi Food Bank Etaam and AlSafi Danone to fight hunger and work towards eliminating food waste. Know More.
  44. Alfaisal University signed an MOU with KAUST to establish a joint MD PhD program between the two institutions. Know More.
  45. Besrour Centre for Global Family Medicine community is a hub of international collaboration dedicated to advancing family medicine globally. Know More.
  46. Supporting hospitals in times of crisis Know More.
  47. Dimensions, Alfaisal’s Accelerator, Concludes the Hillaha! Challenge with the Quality of Life Program Know More.
  48. College of Pharmacy Students Volunteering During the COVID-19 Pandemic Know More.
  49. Working with Tarmeem: Alfaisal University CAS student club volunteered for Tarmeem organization to renovate house for poor and low-income families. Know More.
  50. CIPC (Center for Innovation, Partnership, and Community Engagement) was established. Know More.

This section compiles publications and research outputs related to this SDG. It includes studies, articles, and findings from faculty and students, demonstrating the university’s research capabilities and thought leadership in sustainability. These academic contributions advance our understanding of sustainability challenges and offer innovative solutions.

  1. paper entitled “Business Cycle Variations in Manager and Investor Sentiment Indices,” which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Behavioral Finance,The Journal of Behavioral Finance is a prestigious journal ranked number one in the field of behavioral finance, with an acceptance rate of 5%. Attached, you will find the paper for possible citation. Know More.
  2. Exploring the acceptance of Covid-19 tracing apps Know More.
  3. Board gender diversity and environmental, social, and economic value creation: Does family ownership matter? Know More.

This section highlights activities related to this SDG, such as hosted conferences, workshops, campus visits, external visits, and celebrations. It also includes awards and certificates received by faculty and students in recognition of their contributions to sustainability. These events not only bring together students, faculty, and stakeholders but also foster engagement, raise awareness, and promote collaboration around sustainability initiatives within our community and beyond.

  1. Alfaisal University Hosts the Largest Global Game Jam Site in Saudi Arabia for 2025Know More.
  2. MSI Empowers Young Game Developers at Alfaisal’s Annual Mini-Games and ProGames Exhibit Know More.
  3. Alfaisal University Hosts Volunteer Forum on International Volunteer DayKnow More.
  4. Dimensions and KACST KVP2.0 Initiative Know More.
  5. Alfaisal University Hosts MESTRO 2024 Know More.
  6. Alfaisal University Welcomes International Medical Interns for Transformative Clinical Training Know More.
  7. The university's commitment to educational outreach is exemplified by programs like the "Day of AI," where curriculum includes hands-on activities translated and adapted into Arabic to bring AI education to schools and educational centers in Arabic-speaking countries. Know More.
  8. A conference inaugurated by HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal exploring the cultural and historical narratives of the Arabian desert. Know More.
  9. The College of Engineering hosted a concluding exhibition showcasing innovative projects as part of the CoCreate 2024 initiative. Know More.
  10. An event emphasizing the importance of women’s health and wellness in Saudi Arabia. Know More.
  11. A training program initiated by Tatweer, providing 30 hours of intensive instruction to 30 Architectural Engineering students and graduates. Know More.
  12. HRH Dr. Maha bint Mishari Al Saud joined as a panelist to discuss challenges, opportunities, and strategies for women leaders in healthcare. Know More.
  13. The annual graduation ceremony celebrating the achievements of Alfaisal University’s graduates. Know More.
  14. HRH Dr. Maha bint Mishari Al Saud participated in a session focused on empowering women in science and engineering. Know More.
  15. An event offering prospective students and their families the opportunity to explore Alfaisal University’s programs, facilities, and campus life. Know More.
  16. A platform showcasing innovative projects and designs by students, organized in collaboration with Boeing. Know More.
  17. "Students enrolled at the E-commerce course, taught by Dr. Mevludin Memedi, at the College of Business have participated in the second edition of LEAP, held on 4-7 March 2024, in Riyadh." Know More.
  18. "College of Business invited Mr. Richard Kupisz to be part of the Executive Lecture Series. Mr. Richard is the Senior Advisor at National Center for Privatization & Public-Private Partnerships (NCP)." Know More.
  19. The 3rd International Corporate Governance (CG) Conference is an academic and professional event that addresses the evolving challenges and opportunities presented by technological advancements, particularly in Artificial Intelligence (AI), within the realm of corporate governance. Know More.
  20. College of Business Students Explore the 24Fintech Conference Know More.
  21. The Leadership Development Program for Emerging Leaders Know More.
  22. A series of live “Executive Talks” covering topics of interest for senior executives. Know More.
  23. conducted three Mini-MBA programs for King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC), encompassing participants from all KFSH&RC branches in Riyadh, Jeddah, and Madinah. A total of 78 employees from various departments participated, representing different levels within the organization. Know More.
  24. The ‘Alfaisal Competitiveness Center (ACC)’, in collaboration with the National Competitiveness Center (NCC) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), has completed the Executive Opinion Survey (EOS) for all business sectors in Saudi Arabia. This data will aid WEF in producing global reports on growth, the gender gap, global risks, jobs, and tourism. Know More.
  25. Alumni Hour Know More.
  26. جامعة الفيصل تستضيف ملتقى الجمعيات التعاونية والخيرية بالرياض 2024 افتتح معالي الدكتور / محمد آل هيازع ، رئيس الجامعة بالرياض ، يوم الاحد 20 اكتوبر ملتقى الجمعيات التعاونية والخيرية بالرياض بحضور سمو الدكتور د. منصور بن ثنيان آل سعود 2024. وذلك علي مدار يومي الأحد والاثنين العشرين والحادي والعشرين من شهر أكتوبر لعام 2024 ميلاديا. Know More.
  27. Talk by Mr. Ibrahim Alhelali, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Network in Saudi Arabia On Wednesday February 7th, a talk was introduced by Mr. Ibrahim Alhelali, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Network in Saudi Arabia. Know More.
  28. Alfaisal University holds an annual career fair and as part of the Alumni & Placement Relations Department’s Social Responsibility (SR), the Career Fair’s proceeds will go to the University's social responsibility initiatives. Know More.
  29. Social Innovation Exhibit The annual exhibit for Social Innovation was held on Wednesday, Jan 17, 2024 at Alfaisal University. The exhibit showcased technology solutions that emerged from the MIT Solv[ED] program at Alfaisal University and the Co-Create Fellowship program. Know More.
  30. Best Paper Award for Research in Sustainable Human Resource Management Know More.
  31. Alfaisal University Faculty Invited to Explore Collaborative Opportunities at Canadian Embassy Know More.
  32. Global Game Jam Know More.
  33. Arch. Farrokh Derakhshani, the Director of the Aga Khan Award delivered an insightful talk on the topic of “Inclusive Architecture.” Know More.
  34. Talk by Mr. Ibrahim Alhelali, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Network in Saudi Arabia. Know More.
  35. Formula E and Alfaisal University Girls on Track Know More.
  36. An event to educate children about the importance of preserving the environment and living sustainably. Know More.
  37. The fourth annual forum for the families of people with disabilities, with the session titled 'Comprehensive Quality Education for All... An Ambitious National Vision,' discussed the integration between educational institutions and civil society organizations that support individuals with disabilities Know More.
  38. Under the leadership of Prince Sultan bin Salman, the Supreme Supervisory Committee reviews the final preparations for the 6th International Conference on Disability and Rehabilitation, organized by King Salman Center for Disability Research at Alfaisal University. Know More.
  39. Alfaisal University Hosts the Child Mental Health Program Intensive Workshop Know More.
  40. Alfaisal University collaborated with the British Council to offer a Climate Connection Champions Program workshop to promote sustainable development Know More.
  41. Alfaisal University’s Students among NASA’s Space Apps 2021 Global Finalists Know More.
  42. College of Engineering organizes the UN-Habitat Sustainable Housing Concept Plan (SHCP) Workshop/ Housing Design Studio & Student Design Challenge Know More.
  43. Alfaisal University Hosts CoCreate Fellowship Program Projects Exhibition of 2020 Know More.
  44. Health Promotion Exhibition Know More.
  45. The Journey to 5K Marathon Know More.
  46. Community medicine lectures taught to year 1 and year 3 medical students. Encompasses educational objectives that cover several SDGs Know More.
  47. MENA Climate Week 2023 Know More.
  48. The Ministry of Energy of Saudi Arabia is hosting the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Climate Week 2023, which is the first time in Saudi Arabia's history, in collaboration with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Know More.