1) Research on industry, innovation, and infrastructure

  • Does corporate sustainable development still promote corporate financial performance during global crises? Empirical Study from China. Know More.
  • The impact of introducing new regulations on the quality of CSR reporting: Evidence from the UK. Know More.

2) Patents citing university research

3) University spin-offs

  • Supporting hospitals in times of crisis by supporting the building of a decision support system. Know More.

4) Research income from industry

General SDG 9

  1. UN-Habitat with Alfaisal University hosted a three-day workshop to promote sustainability and affordability awareness in the housing sector. Know More.
  2. Prof. Zuruzi Abu Samah, Chairman of Mechanical Engineering Department, Alfaisal University, delivered a seminar titled “Developing Materials for Sustainability” on Wednesday, December 11, 2019, on Mechanical Engineering Department. Know More.
  3. The Renewable Energy track at Alfaisal University is a program within electrical engineering that focuses on the generation of electrical power. College of Engineering | Alfaisal University
  4. Alfaisal-Boeing Solar Car Project which aims to develop an efficient and reliable solar-powered vehicle capable of competing in competitions. Boeing Solar Car Project | College of Engineering Alfaisal University
  5. Signing an agreement to launch an accelerated bachelor and master’s program (ABM) between Alfaisal University and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Know More.
  6. Alfaisal university and KFSHRC signed an MOU that focus on clinical research that aim to innovation in management of liver diseases, patient support and community awareness. Know More.
  7. Alfaisal University hosted Canoo, a company that showcased its innovative and sustainable cars. Free Image Annotation Tool Online - Gemoo
  8. ECO is a sustainability club at Alfaisal University leading its students to become an eco-conscious and environmentally conservative community. Know More.
  9. Alfaisal Research Themes are based on the country’s Vision 2030, as well as United Nation SDGs. Know More.
  10. Community medicine lectures taught to year 1 and year 3 medical students. Encompasses educational objectives that cover several SDGs. Know More.-| Know More.