Industry Innovation & Infrastructure
1) Research on industry, innovation, and infrastructure
- Does corporate sustainable development still promote corporate financial performance during global crises? Empirical Study from China. Know More.
- The impact of introducing new regulations on the quality of CSR reporting: Evidence from the UK. Know More.
2) Patents citing university research
3) University spin-offs
- Supporting hospitals in times of crisis by supporting the building of a decision support system. Know More.
4) Research income from industry
General SDG 9
- UN-Habitat with Alfaisal University hosted a three-day workshop to promote sustainability and affordability awareness in the housing sector. Know More.
- Prof. Zuruzi Abu Samah, Chairman of Mechanical Engineering Department, Alfaisal University, delivered a seminar titled “Developing Materials for Sustainability” on Wednesday, December 11, 2019, on Mechanical Engineering Department. Know More.
- The Renewable Energy track at Alfaisal University is a program within electrical engineering that focuses on the generation of electrical power. College of Engineering | Alfaisal University
- Alfaisal-Boeing Solar Car Project which aims to develop an efficient and reliable solar-powered vehicle capable of competing in competitions. Boeing Solar Car Project | College of Engineering Alfaisal University
- Signing an agreement to launch an accelerated bachelor and master’s program (ABM) between Alfaisal University and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Know More.
- Alfaisal university and KFSHRC signed an MOU that focus on clinical research that aim to innovation in management of liver diseases, patient support and community awareness. Know More.
- Alfaisal University hosted Canoo, a company that showcased its innovative and sustainable cars. Free Image Annotation Tool Online - Gemoo
- ECO is a sustainability club at Alfaisal University leading its students to become an eco-conscious and environmentally conservative community. Know More.
- Alfaisal Research Themes are based on the country’s Vision 2030, as well as United Nation SDGs. Know More.
- Community medicine lectures taught to year 1 and year 3 medical students. Encompasses educational objectives that cover several SDGs. Know More.-| Know More.